X2E-New 150W driveway/garage/Shed security floodlight intruder alert with PIR lamp light and wireless Motion sensor/ remote keyfob transmitter kit.
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X2E-New 150W driveway/garage/Shed security floodlight intruder alert with PIR lamp light and wireless Motion sensor/ remote keyfob transmitter kit. More
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"X2E-New 150W driveway/garage/Shed security floodlight intruder alert with PIR lamp light and wireless Motion sensor/ remote keyfob transmitter kit." Feature
Features and specs: Floodlight
Powered by mains 230V
Wirefree receiver
100 metre receiver range
color: black
The sensor sends a signal to the Flood light which then
lights up.
This package is very handy when you want to detect an intruder
who comes from the back, and you would like
the flood light to switch on in your drive way.
Features and specs: PIR SENSOR
Powered by 3x AA Batteries (not supplied), with an expected battery life of two years based on five activations per day
When movement is detected, day or night, the sensor will transmit a wirefree signal to the flood light and lamp unit.
With no requirements for mains electricity, the sensor can be mounted on any stable non metallic surface that is not subject to any excessive heat or vibration
The signals can be sent upto a distance of 100 metres.
Features and specs: REMOTE CONTROL KEYFOB
Key for OFF and ON
WIRELESS (uses button battery, included in package)
Has a bracket if you want to mount it instead some where convinient
The remote control sends a signal (on/off) to the Lights. You plug in your lamp, and you can switch it on or off with the remote control.
Very handy to switch on lamps from your bed or even flood lights upto 300W.
Also included in the kit there is a lamp adaptor. This adaptor fits into most table or free standing lamps within the home (BC connection). The adaptor simple fits between the lamp holder and the bulb of the light. When the detector sends out the signal the light will switch on as well giving a visual warning.
? 24 hours protection
"X2E-New 150W driveway/garage/Shed security floodlight intruder alert with PIR lamp light and wireless Motion sensor/ remote keyfob transmitter kit." Video